Charlene Jones
4 min readJan 10, 2020


Ex-Lover/Liar Taught Me Truth

It’s time now to tell about this ex-lover. Doesn’t matter if it was last week or decade, emotional time staggers away from clocks, drips like Dali’s, bends from my body because emotional time lives in my body.

My body holds the truth. When I love, I love from and into my body. When I join I join with my body, all seven sheaths of the living light energy that comprises who I truly am, Leonard Cohen’s “..children in our rags of light.”So when this lover betrayed me, he betrayed all those layers of what lies within my skin.



Charlene Jones

author My Impossible Life, (memoir) Medicine Buddha/Medicine Mind (nonfiction), The Stain (fiction) Bliss Pig, meditation teacher more at