Beliefs, CoCreating and the End of the World

Charlene Jones
3 min readJan 28, 2020

We see what we believe. You have to believe it to see it. So go two of the many saws in our meme-drenched world where we attempt to contain bulging astrophysics of materiality with condensed concepts so we can feel better.

About ourselves and our place in a confusing, challenging world. We accept \anything from the exterior world as long as it provides us with a sense of comfort and control.

Such as the memes above. Here’s the trick—those memes work. Not just words, the truth of those memes and our material world wrap up best by…



Charlene Jones

author My Impossible Life, (memoir) Medicine Buddha/Medicine Mind (nonfiction), The Stain (fiction) Bliss Pig, meditation teacher more at